Recycling while on vacation, can be very unsuccessful. Husbands and kiddos seem to think that a vacation automatically comes with a recycling hall pass. Well, they’re wrong. “You can and you will recycle.”
When the time comes to pack up you car for that long road remember FEW THINGS:
Be organized, have an extra container in your car just for recyclables, not FOR trash. Be persistence, that means be extra vocal with reminders at every meal. have patience, they will never remember to recycle. I’m not sure why, but my boys mentally can’t remember to recycle while on vacation. One more thing, pack extra paper bags. just in case you are not able to recycle your car bin along your route.
In the end, Moms matter, we matter. recycling matters. Together we can teach our kiddos to recycle.
Let’s educate those kiddos about living green along your “Oh goodie” vacation. Point out all the variety of sustainability along the way, especially if it’s new to your family. Take time to explain what you have found, but with ridiculous excitement. But make sure those kiddos are aware of what’s around them, not just what’s in front of them. So, plays cars games, count how many homes have solar panels, drive through the wind mills farms at night, just have fun.